Latest uncomfortable experience: interview with a QAnon devotee.

Latest uncomfortable experience: interview with a QAnon devotee. Now that I’m transitioning into conducting a few hundred interviews this year for my dissertation work, I’m completely curtailing my active practice of being uncomfortable so I can put on my academia hat. That said, sometimes an opportunity is too good to pass up. In this case, I had the chance to talk directly with an adamant believer in QAnon.

The uncomfortable part of this experience is not the fear of being sucked into some conspiracy or stress that I can’t hold my own in a convo, though I get some could have this concern. For me, this was the challenge and deliberate practice of being so open, gracious, and sincere in trying to understand how one believes such a theory rather than laughing, interrupting, walking away, or shutting off. Recently, at BAM, we’ve been doing a lot of work to “respond,” the emotional intelligence choice rather than “react,” the pure emotion choice. I don’t need to tell you what humans typically do, especially right now in America’s climate. A discussion with a QAnon believer is probably your varsity level kind of practice. That said, I’ve had a few uncomfortable experiences now with pro-lifers, 2nd amendment diehards, and so forth, so I’m getting decent at these interactions and keeping my best straight, curious face in tact.

I got in touch with this QAnon believer because he’s the dad of a friend I have. This friend is horrified and increasingly distant from her dad, understandably. It doesn’t help that her dad is constantly telling her to “be ready” for the “Great Awakening” to happen. (That was predicted by QAnon with the inauguration but has since been moved to early April for reasons I don’t get. Nonetheless, be ready, my interviewee pleaded.)

Before this interview, I thought about channeling childlike wonder. If an adult came up to you and said, “Hey, did you know there’s this big fat guy up in the North Pole that’s watching your every move? Yeah, he’s going to deliver presents all over the world to good girls and boys with all his reindeer. Oh, there’s one that has a red nose that lights up, too,” then how would you respond as a five year old child vs your crusty adult self? Granted, I was already a crusty adult as a child who “did not play well with others in her age group,” according to one report card from preschool. Still, this is the mindset I went into.

My interviewee sent me a Youtube link as a primer for what QAnon was about. Not going to lie: I laughed out loud many times during this video. The dramatic graphics and music, the rhetorical questions, the heroism of Donald Trump are sensational. It’s a pure emotional play with no actual facts or mention about how, for instance, the Queen, Obama, the Bushes, Oprah, and Miley Cyrus are actually all criminals in some international mafia scheme. I told myself to reel it in for my interviewee though I wondered if I was getting punked. Maybe QAnon is a meta punk. The believers actually don’t believe it but are so amused that the public believes they are believers. That seems more plausible because really: was I about to talk with a functioning adult who would say to me sincerely, “No, but really, Santa gets down all the chimneys on Christmas Eve."

The convo started with my question of how my interviewee got to know about QAnon. For him, it was Donald Trump’s insistence in “draining the swamp” that pricked his ears. My interviewee also had a long history of being on interested in politics and in love with America, he mentioned. He watched a lot of World War 2 movies growing up, met Kennedy once (and is convinced the government killed him), was part of the Green Party years ago, and wanted to create his own party at one point. I asked how he sources what he knows about QAnon and any facts that support it. He responded nonchalantly, “It’s out there if you look for it.” A few seconds went by, as I was so struck by this. I said, “Oh indeed. That’s the internet,” but he didn’t pick up what I was conveying. I would call his response the slogan of the internet, the perfect phrase that encapsulates the horrors and delights the internet is.

Our conversation wound all over the place. That since Kennedy’s assignation, the world has been in total turmoil, that citizens around the world are being pinned against each other to stay distracted by things like Black Lives Matter, that Biden is currently in Culver City on a set that staged the whole inauguration, that Trump was recruited to legally and diplomatically show the world of this international crime ring that includes Putin to Beyonce who are currently aiding communists in China and sexually abusing children. It’s so wild and wide. My questions just spurred more matter-of-fact responses. It’s as if I continually asked, “so how does Santa get to ALL the houses of boys and girls around the world in one night?” Continual answer: “With his reindeer.”

This was perhaps the oddest and most vexing conversation I’ve recently ever had. It leads to a lot of existential questions: Are you insane? Am I insane? What is the requirement of reality? Clearly none.

Here's a screenshot of the opening scene of the video that was sent to me.


Latest Uncomfortable Experience: An Interview to join a White Supremacist Group

Spoiler alert: it only lasted four minutes and forty seconds because the interviewee politely asked me if I was a male or female. I wasn’t disguising my voice so it was tough to continue (see below). Let me start from the beginning on this one.

It’s pretty uncomfortable being eye to eye with another person you adamantly do not agree with deep down in your bones. I’ve had a decent share of uncomfortable experiences now with my Scientologist interview, the “cult,” and the protest with the pro-lifers who were out on the streets with baby fetus posters and megaphones. The challenge is to find the aplomb, human decency, and even empathy to hang out with “others” and have a respectful, curious conversation even when you want to shake them and go off the handle. Though I’ve now had a few of these kinds of interactions, the practice of being uncomfortable is just that: a practice. You’re never “done” testing yourself, and white supremacists were as extreme as I could think of when it came to “people I do not agree with on any fundamental level.”


I doubt anyone needs a refresher on the tiki torch carriers who stomped around in 2017 with a “Unite the Right” message that horrified the nation, or sadly, at least a segment of it. The group behind this march is called the Patriot Front and to be clear, it is still active. Do any Google search, like I did, under “white supremacist group” and many articles will pop up. You may think, “Well, this must be a hard group to find,” but nope, the organization’s website is easily found. (I do recommend having a VPN if you start getting down the black holes I do when searching and reading up on various uncomfortable experiences.) There’s an “application” on the website and to be fair, the website is pretty well branded in red, whites, and blues alongside videos, social media links, a manifesto, and an “updates” section. The manifesto is paragraphs and paragraphs long, biblical sounding, and in most parts, exceedingly vague. There are quotes thrown in from Roosevelt, Andrew Jackson, Hamilton, Washington, George Patton, and Calvin Coolidge (?). Here’s the second to the last paragraph for instance:

“He will no longer know the age of material, of illness, and of disunity. His neighbors will fit the term in more than just a nominal fashion. He will be removed from decadence and given community. He will be protected from barbarism and given civility. His nation will be an extended family, not a collection of strange faces passing by him on the way to a shallow grave. He will no longer be sold a life that will never come; a life of working for something that is neither rewarding nor spiritually beneficial.”

I filled out the brief application. It asks for your age, your political ideology, what “skills” you could offer, and why you’d like to join. Note: there was nothing about selecting your sex or race. I guess this group assumes you are white and male. I wrote that I had heard about the group and was interested to learn more. Also, that I wanted to have an honest conversation with a member.

About two weeks passed and then I got an email response with the subject line, “Your Application.” There was a message board of sorts I could log into and then await an interview slot. I’m including the screenshots so you can see that there is some clear thought and organization going on with this whole process. I then got a DM with the log in info for me to join the call.

The man on the other line, “Michael,” was assertive and confident. He asked how my day was going, and I complimented how efficient the interview process was. He then said, “I don’t mean to be offensive, but are you a male or a female?”

By the way: I recorded the interview on my desktop so I have the audio file and am giving exact quotes here. I replied that I am female and asked if the organization worked with females in any way. “Unfortunately, no. We do not accept female members,” he said. I asked why, and there was a pause.


“I’m sure Thomas, the founder of our organization, could give a much more eloquent answer, but we, uh, follow basis standards of operation and uniformality.” (The actual word he used was a mash up of “uniform” and “formality,” which is not a real word.) If you were to have a female in the type of activism that we do, it could be seen as a weak point or out of the ordinary. It goes out of the morals we have set and the roles of gender that we believe women have. That is my personal statement as a member.”


Now, this is where I could have said a whole cornucopia of choice words, but that would be my comfortable MO. I went on to ask if instead my (non existent) husband could apply to which the answer was, “oh, absolutely. If he likes what we stand for and reads the manifesto, then absolutely.” He encouraged me to point my husband to some of the group’s Youtube videos, social media, and more. I asked about membership, and he said that there is no membership fee and absolutely no donations accepted; the only requirement is “hard work and loyalty.”

I started pressing him about where members where located, were there local hangouts, why did he join, why did they believe what they believed, and so on. It was then that I got hit with a repeated, “We can’t go into details like that.” We promptly wrapped up and he thanked me for my time.

In truth, I felt a bead of sweat roll down my armpit when I was dialing the number. I didn’t “feel” nervous, but the body has its own agenda in situations sometimes. It was a pure physical reaction to the anticipation of having a conversation with a person who I knew for a fact was a Neo-Nazi advocate. And that’s interesting: it was because I “knew.” How many people do we sit next to at a coffee shop, the subway, a plane, or even the dinner table at Thanksgiving oblivious to knowing that that other could be adamantly and completely against what we believe? I don’t know the answer at all to that.

Uncomfortable Experience: nudist on a nude beach

Latest uncomfortable experience: being nude on a nude beach. A few years ago, I did the nude modeling experience which was nerve wracking, but being nude in broad daylight in public is another experience all together, which I now know. 

Start of Black’s Beach

Start of Black’s Beach

Oddly enough, nude beaches aren’t as accepted as one would think in California. Los Angeles county has zero, and there’s only one north of Sacramento. Several “indecent exposure” penal codes exist, particularly California Penal Code 314 PC. (I was curious so I researched this as I thought I could get arrested if I was on the wrong side of the very official cones on Black’s Beach which officially indicate where nudity is allowed.) Black’s Beach is one such beach that is absolutely stunning in San Diego. Along with nudists, surfers, joggers, and locals stroll this beach year round. 

The official cones

The official cones

Around 9am, I had reached the beach. (Black’s Beach is in front of a huge cliffside.) Despite how early and sheltered this beach is, it was already packed with several dozen surfers, walkers, tourists with those damn selfie sticks, and even families. “Oh shit,” I thought. “I can’t be jogging down the beach with some 4-year old pointing at me.” Here I thought I’d been a tad wimpy and easy on myself, going out relatively early to avoid gawkers and tourists. Apparently not. 

At first, I didn’t see anyone nude. I asked one surfer, “Isn’t this Black’s with the naked people?” He said, “oh yeah. But the nudists are up a bit more. But seriously, dude, it’s just a bunch of old men you probably don’t want to see naked.” I kept strolling for half a mile or so, and once I passed those official cones, you could see the beach spotted with a few bare bums. I strolled up to the first bare butt I saw. I was curious to know why he was out here, and I wanted to be near someone who was also stark naked as this was NOT the dominant going on at this beach. 

Let me tell you about this dear man, Eric. He was the color of an almond from head to butt cheek. Given the lack of tan lines and his perfectly swept long grey and white hair, I figured he had be out here often as a nudist. Indeed, he said he loved the freedom he felt being naked on the beach. You could feel the whole sun, the whole ocean on your body when you didn’t have clothes on, he said. He wished he still could feel that burst of freedom like he did so many years ago, but he was now more than 60 years old and has been out here many, many times. He also said that you have to watch yourself out here, which is a sad thing. Some people will come and just watch you, fully clothed, in a rather creepy way. He’d dealt with that before. He also said a lot of women have a bad experience because some guys “can’t handle it and act out.” Eric was kind and sincere, but I have to tell you, it was odd having a full conversation with a man who just turned over on his towel and was now fully nude right in front of my face, in full sunlight, right there in public. This was a great moment for me. My internal voice was saying, “ahhh! He’s naked right here! What is happening!” I laughed at this later. That’s our culture talking. “Naked is bad. Naked is indecent,” is what American culture teaches us. If you think otherwise, consider that crappy crepe garment you “put on” in the doctor’s office. 

I told Eric I was going to do it! I was going to run to the ocean, splash around, and walk back up the beach. Maybe I’d do a cartwheel. It happened to be low tide, which made the distance from the beach to the water line particularly long. “Go. Be free,” he insisted, and then he turned back on stomach to read his book. “See. Eric doesn’t care I’m about to be naked out here,” I thought. I looked up and down the beach. I even looked at the sky, as the hang glider port is located above the beach. Like someone is going to see me from the sky! I laughed at myself. This was so ridiculous which is the best part of being uncomfortable: you often get to a point where you find it outrageous that you’re all caught up in your silly discomfort. It’s so dumb. I had previously thought, “What do I care,” but then, you face the reality of your situation, which is where this practice of being uncomfortable gets interesting. 

I whipped off my shorts, top, and sports bra and started a dash to the water. Isn’t that funny? What the hell am I running for? Also, sports bras were made for a reason. Maybe I thought the water would hid me. But damn, that water was cold. Once I was over the shock of the coldness, I sloughed out of the waves back to the beach. I’d like to think I was like some mermaid emerging from the sea foam in some naked two legged glory of sorts, but please. I laughed but it was that delightful kind of laugh. Eric was right. It’s nice to feel ALL of sun on your skin. I strode back up to my spot, probably a hundred yards from the water. Nonchalantly, I put my clothes back on and eventually got back to my car. It was great to be naked. Highly recommend this one. Say hi to Eric out there. 

Uncomfortable Experience: being with bees

Latest uncomfortable experience: being with bees. I’ve never been stung by a bee, and the thought of  touching a whole hive full of them was a tad disturbing to me. Hell, I didn’t even know if I’d have an allergic reaction if I were stung, so that was another consideration of this uncomfortable experience. Long story short of this post: I get stung, I’m fine, and bees are incredible. 


I found an adorable bee keeping business in National City, Girl Next Store Beekeeping, that helped me with this experience. Hilary, the owner, removes bees from properties, teaches classes, harvests honey, and promotes the magic of bees to anyone who will listen. She also has several hives in her backyard that literally buzz with the sound of tens of thousands of bees bustling about in the coffers of the honeycomb. We did a tour of her hives and checked the status of the queen bees which are often marked with a colored dot on their bodies. (Like cattle or dogs, there are queen bee breeders who tag/mark their prized animals.) 

Hilary pointing out a hive

Hilary pointing out a hive

I told Hilary I didn’t want to get stung per say (physical harm on purpose is not the objective of practicing uncomfortable experiences, at least in how I practice) but in order for this to be uncomfortable, I’m going to need some real exposure. Just a little. She did say I was the only one who has requested this, ha. We suited up in the bee keeper suits and zipped, Velcroed, and padded ourselves in from head to toe. Hilary said she gets stung often enough, particularly if she’s removing or transporting hives. Bees can get fairly agitated and scared-even waving your hand swiftly across a palate of honeycomb makes many of them jolt a bit. Similar to a school of fish or flock of birds, bees can move as a mass unit, connected by communication humans can’t even fathom. They typically get feisty when threatened and sense a source of danger, and a few female bees will buzz aggressively around the source of agitation, resorting to stinging if all else fails. Hilary and I had a brief philosophical conversation around this: do bees know they’ll die if they sting? Or is this just programed biology? Bees only live 42 days with the exception of the queens that can live 2 to 7 years so perhaps some of those bee fighters just figure a Kamikaze mission doesn’t matter, minus a couple days of life. 

Me glove free with a new comb and worker bees

Me glove free with a new comb and worker bees

Once we looked at the palates for a bit, I took off my gloves. Stupidly, I thought I’d notice a bee buzzing by my hand if there was an issue at all, particularly if we were being calm and gentle. I could easily hold and even pet the bees on the honeycomb palates, for instance. Those bees are so busy building, they don’t mind a human pinkie poking around. The bees on the honeycomb are oddly calming. Although I knew all of them could sting (these combs didn’t have any of the male “drones” which lack stingers), I didn’t get a sense any of them wanted to attack me though my first couple of minutes, I was dripping with dread inside kinda like the honey on the combs I was looking at. It wasn’t the happy worker bees that got me, though. At one hive while standing next to Hilary, I felt the immediate puncture of a push pin in my thumb and knew it had happened. Hilary had warned me it was possible with the swarm that had stirred to life with our sudden presence at their doorstep, so this was completely my fault. She took the stinger right out within three seconds of me flailing and cussing about (I was surprised!) and then we just continued our review of the honey combs. The sting hurt. like. Hell. I now have a good appreciation for the power of a little sword from a bee’s butt. 


Hilary told me a ton about bees, and there’s so much I could write here. Honey is completely sterile; it’s the only food that doesn’t go bad; it takes 12 bees an entire working life to get a single teaspoon of honey. One must-do, if you get the chance, is to smell the insides of a hive. It’s an odd aroma of warm bread and ripe banana with a hint of, say, yeast. We tasted a bunch of honey after getting out of our suits, and I told Hilary honey tasting could easily be the new wine tasting. There is so much variety to the color and taste of honey depending on the pollen bees collect. In Southern California, for instance, there’s an essence of eucalyptus in many varieties. 

Overall, I’m rather glad I got stung. It was uncomfortable enough having my hands on honeycomb crawling with bees, and I got the freebie of a relatively harmless sting to reinforce who’s house I was intruding on. Good reminder for life overall. 

Latest uncomfortable experience: A Two Minute Full Ice Bath a la the Wim Hof Method.

Wim Hof

Wim Hof

If you’re not familiar with Wim, he’s an animal. He holds 26 world records and does things like running a marathon on the arctic with only running shorts on. I’ve met him a few times, and frankly, he’s incredible. I saw the beginner’s course of the “method” being taught last weekend and decided to do it. For context: I can’t stand the cold. I have a heated blanket for Januarys in San Diego when it dips below 60 degrees. When I run in the snow, which I do, I wear three layers of gloves/mittens. Mostly, I have shit for circulation and am already long in the limbs so cold is not where I do best. File “death by ice water drowning” as my top way to go. An ice bath sounded like the ideal uncomfortable experience. I don’t ever watch Titanic because of that Leo drowning, gawd.


The four hour course had about 20 students, mostly dudes and many who were looking for ways to level up, change up their mental abilities, and expand their physical capabilities. It was a great vibe in there and notably supportive which was great when you’re having a bit of a break down in the ice. There are three pillars to the method that encompass breathing, mindset/commitment and “cold therapy.” The why of the cold therapy, according to the website, “Proper exposure to the cold starts a cascade of health benefits, including the buildup of brown adipose tissue and resultant fat loss, reduced inflammation that facilitates a fortified immune system, balanced hormone levels, improved sleep quality, and the production of endorphins— the feel-good chemicals in the brain that naturally elevate your mood.” Now, one would think: “of course you’d be fucking ecstatic to get out of a tub of ice,” but the course gets quite into the science behind inflammation and our immune systems. Before the bath, we did a lot of breathing work. Wim advocates to “get high on your own supply,” and after an intense set of breathing, a few people were indeed dizzy. I was loopy and lost hearing in one ear, and that’s just par for the course as a beginner. Long story short: you can REALLY get yourself pumped up with oxygen that can help power you through incredible things.


The last hour focused on the bath and just the prep to do it. As beginners, we had to stick to 2 minutes, tops, just so hypothermia and other deranged things didn’t happen. I could tell these guys were nervous and pumped at the same time, including me. Something about pouring bags and bags of ice in a pool, feeling the shocking cold of the ice just on your hand, and then thinking, “I’m now going to sit in that ENTIRE pool there” is daunting. Perhaps if the guys were brushing it off I would have had a different energy about it, but you could sense the trepidation on the patio as we all peered into that little blue pool. Our instructor, well aware of the contained fear, told us not to freak out. If we did, he’d come up to us and say, “blow through my hand” to aid in our controlled breathing. Then, we started the “whoo-HA”s, a deep squash and arm motion while saying “whoo!” and “HA!” with every hand motion. Frankly, we looked ridiculous in swim trunks standing around a little pool as kids played on a playground behind us. Some of the kids giggled and did modified whoo-has with us, and some Asian ladies sitting on little stools at the back of the shop we were sharing the space with looked onward at us with disgust. Whatever. We were too hyped about the bath and the whoo-HAs helped get a lot of blood flowing.

Our instructor then said, “Who’s first?” I and three others hopped reluctantly in. I wanted to be first because I wanted ALL of that ice bobbing around me. (Twenty or so minutes later it was still freezing but all melted with the additional bathers.) Then the two minutes began, which were quite the longest two minutes I can recall in recent history. There is something wretchedly painful about the ice. I recalled that sweat lodge uncomfortable experience I did a year ago, the one in which I thought at various times that my skin was on fire. It was hard to hold this memory when the pain was bolting through. I thought, “oh, maybe it will just feel like you’re completely numb which would be no feeling at all.” That is unfortunately not the case as the body is in complete panic mode trying to preserve your organs. I did feel almost a little shield of warmth around my thighs, probably from all the blood flow and workout I just did with the whoo-HAs. Thankfully, the group was all whoo-HAing hard, and there’s something to be said about a group of people encouraging you so sincerely. I had the instructor count down the last 20 seconds, and that was a god send. I hopped out pretty much the second time was called.


Latest Uncomfortable Experience: Dancing in front of thousands of strangers, in silence.


How about dancing in front of thousands of strangers, in silence, kinda like you MAY be utterly deranged? This was my latest uncomfortable experience last Thursday afternoon at rush hour on a freeway overpass. Scene: me dancing, ecstatically at times, for over an hour as cars crept home. If you’re from San Diego, you may be familiar with the famous “mariachi man” who dresses in full costume and dances over freeway passes on random weekdays. Look him up-the guy has great press. This is where I got the inspiration for this uncomfortable experience, but I didn’t bother with a costume or any theme. I just went out there and started dancing. It’s funny. You may think, “Oh, whatever. That doesn’t sound so bad.” Indeed, this isn’t one of my “extreme” experiences, but there is something needling about standing out in broad daylight, by yourself, with no one else hearing your soundtracks, and just going for it. Over the course of an hour, one of four things would happen: Most people don’t even notice. I could see the drivers’ faces because the traffic was slow and the overpass wasn’t too high. This is a good reminder that really, no one gives a shit what you’re doing. Some people would give a slow, eventual stare that seemed to convey shock, dismay, or flat out disapproval a la, “Oh, that stupid white girl.” Some people look up somewhat sadly, I think in a sense of wondering if I’m just another homeless mentally ill person, but at least a seemingly happy one. And then there we those who were utterly delighted, both men and women. They’d honk and wave, give a thumbs up or fist bump. A few would just give me the biggest damn smile they had, and that was pretty fun and rather surprising. At some point, I just got really into it, dancing up and down the whole sidewalk, because somewhere in a lot of these experiences you pass the “no f*cks” line which completely liberates you into a full-frontal expression with little regard for societal norms. Some of you may comment, “oh, like Burning Man!” or “oh, like an acid trip!” but Burning Man and group drug use are both in spaces where participants agree to a norm of being fully expressed. Even that uncomfortable experience I did panhandle is "a norm" that isn't questioned. This little experience gave me pause on how often “we,” be it in a city, at an event, in a nation, or in a company, have silent contracts with one another on what we embrace as “the norm.” Just think of yourself singing your next coffee order to a barista or doing cartwheels in an airport terminal. Those little acts would be outside the contract unless perhaps you’re three years old. Interesting to think about. One petite girl, probably about my age, walked by on the sidewalk at one point. She said, “where’s your dance partner?” And I said, “It’s you, now!” She eventually did a few salsa moves for everyone and we laughed.


This is a good uncomfortable experience you can try any ‘ol time. Highly recommended. Maybe “the norm” will shift to people dancing over freeway overpasses during rush hour soon. Crazier things have happened, like people riding electric scooters in flocks, a hatched norm now.

Latest uncomfortable experience: A traditional Native American sweat lodge ceremony.

Maybe you think, “oh, but I do hot yoga, how bad can this be?” It’s like that, but four times hotter, in a hut with everyone knee-to-knee, with non-stop chanting and a chorus of earsplitting drumming, people crying and screaming, with smoke billowing, and in the pitch, PITCH black in the dirt. I really do not like saunas, and I have to contain my eye rolls at everything too “woo” and spiritual, particularly when professed from a white guy donning a man bun and some East Asia tattoo that probably translates to “dip shit” in whatever ancient language. So, this experience was probably a good one for me.


I showed up at this remote spiritual center to see a guy with long grey hair, a grey bread, no shirt, a cigarette, and a sweatband with some spiritual stamp. He must have been in his 50s or more, sitting behind a fold out table with the tag from TJ Max. He’s been doing these ceremonies for nearly 30 years, and his wife also has. For all I know, he was 90, weathered but jolly, tired but radiant. He said Burning Man was for gringos who have no ceremony or heritage so they created something where they can all look at each other and party, though he admitted he’s never been. He is Native American and just returned from Sundance. (I thought, this can’t be the film festival I go to-that’s in January) so I asked despite my ignorance. Sundance is a sacred ceremony that’s been going on for centuries in Native American cultures which includes several days of dancing in the sun without water and food. People also “attach” themselves to trees, hooking their skin to the branches. His wife, who was also quite kind and welcoming, showed me some of her scars. She was mostly Irish, and her two “roads” she was walking were Native American and Celtic ceremonies. Other people have roads that include medicines, but that was not her thing. There were plenty of transformative experiences like the sweat lodge that didn’t require medicine like frog poison which I learned others were learning in the Amazon.

There were just 5 or so people there when I showed up, but over the next hour, about 20 others trickled in. Most people were in their 30s, though there were some older women. Most everyone knew each other and hugged and rejoiced to see each other. It was endearing, and I was surprised at the array of the backgrounds of people. One guy was an ex Navy Seal, one was my former employee at my food tour company, one women had cropped grey hair and wore khaki shorts and a golf polo shirt while building the fire. There were Hispanic people, Asian people, Black people and others. Two women about my age discussed how they were “Neo Hippies.” In the hut, however, it is pitch black so just our spirits can mingle without context of race, sex, and age. I liked that. I’m sure some lovely liberals would say this is cultural misappropriation given everyone was NOT Native American including myself, but I loved the diverse mix of people who eagerly seemed to honor this sweat lodge tradition. I thought about how messed up and sad we’ve become in believing “others” do not welcome or want to share traditions with different “others.” What is this called? When did this happen? The wife said this ceremony was for all humans.

The women were the first to go into the hut, and we had to wear long pants or dresses before crawling in. I’m actually thankful for that because the fabric helped block the scorching heat. We got to sit on a towel, and once everyone was in the hut, each person went around stating who they were the sons and daughters of, the brothers and sisters of, the mothers and fathers of, and so forth. No bullshit on where people worked or whatever as that wasn’t relevant thousands of years ago. People stated who they were praying for as well. We each got a piece of sage which helped for breathing. I thought we’d have water inside, but water was not allowed. The husband and wife duo called us all sisters and brothers and said they would protect us physically and spiritually in case we panicked or couldn’t breath. This is about the time I started thinking, “oh shit.” How would you even SEE someone fainting? One guy looked quite nervous. He was new and said he didn’t do well in contained spaces. The wife soothed him, and he returned timidly back to his spot.


There were five “rounds,” each with a purpose and several songs. Some rounds were for other people in our lives, some for each other in the hut, some for just ourselves, some were for humanity and the healing humans all needed. Each round lasted perhaps 30 minutes (who knows-it is a time warp) and was a full soundtrack of Native American songs and drumbeats. I don’t think I’ve ever listened to so much Native American music, and it was deafening and helpful to concentrate on it because of the immense heat. For each round, several wood fired rocks were rolled into the hut. The door flap was then closed, and the shroud of blackness wrapped us all immediately. Then the songs started. The heat was absurd. I thought my clothes were on fire a few times but all I saw was blackness. One trick the wife told me was to go to the ground, smell Mother Nature. It was more bearable on the ground, and I pretty much gripped the ground every round, inhaling what I could from the dirt and my little bushel of sage. I never thought dirt was so divine; I think it saved me in there. People weeped, sighed, and chanted every round. I didn’t know any of the words, but as the wife said, you can get the meaning, and I did. The wife flicked water on us with her big sage brush, but the rocks were also showered with water, which released more and more burning steam in the blackness. I don’t know how she could billow the high pitched songs so well, but she had nearly 30 years under her belt. The combination of the steam sizzling, the drum beats, and the sighs made for a throbbing chaotic symphony of sorts. A round would end with the door flap opening and more rocks were piled on.

Once done, we climbed out one by one. I felt wobbly but not parched, and some people helped the older people stand up. My heart was racing, but the wife said that was normal and good. I felt utterly exhausted and slept nearly 10 hours straight that late night. Certainly an experience I would recommend.

Latest uncomfortable experience: a 50 mile technical trail ultra-marathon

Indeed, I’ve limited my uncomfortable experience practice to finish the book this year, but this practice is one you must keep doing once it sinks into you.


As I’ve mentioned, what’s uncomfortable is quite personal. There’s plenty of people who’d fancy a 50 any given Sunday like Mitch Thrower, Ryan Alfred, Travis Steffen, and Matt Clifford. Though I’ve done 3 marathons (one that was a trail in Death Valley), I assumed this 50 miles one would be uncomfortable, to say the least.

It was. I did win 2nd in my age category, but I’m sure there were three of us in total. I didn’t have the energy to ask and figured ignorance is certainly bliss in glory, ha. Like a number of these uncomfortable experiences, I’ve found myself in a moment of thinking, “OH F. This is BEYOND the level I thought I signed up for.” There were about 100 runners, many whom have done 100-mile ultras and several 50 milers. Before the race and after chatting with a few of the old-timers, I realized this course was no joke. Not for novices, not for little, limber runners like me who are used to paved, wide roadways and combed, leafless trails. I imagine the old hats have a name for clueless newbies like me, similar to “sparkle ponies” at Burning Man. Whatever. I made it. Many parts were through paths just the size of your foot, through several grueling up hill sections, over knobby tree branches in the Muir forest, and over rocky sections where one misstep was a sprained ankle for certain. Though brutal, it was just beautiful. I have a real appreciation for NorCal scenery (and respect) like never before.


Motivation is a funny thing. Sometimes you get it when you compare yourself to others who are physically, tangibly “ahead of you” and think, “okay, I can surely beat THAT.” It’s a fun game to play while you’re out there for 11 hours. There’d be a guy at least double my age ahead of me with a little potbelly, and I’d think, “Okay. COME ON now,” and I’d eventually catch up to him. At the starting line, I was surveying the runners, a motley group of folks age 20 to 70, all shapes and sizes. There were the “serious” ones with their gear bags, strapped on gels, technical watches, and latest slick camelbacks or gear bag flaunted like the “it” Prada bag of the season at New York Fashion Week. There were the short, weathered ones looking like they just came from Burning Man, complete with rubber chickens, feather ribbon crap, and some tie-dye attire, obviously custom made. There were the brawn “bros,” in just tank tops and shorts, psyching each other up with, “Dude, dude. We like, totally, got this.”

I didn’t have a bag, just my water bottle, and a sweatshirt with a few zip pockets where I’d stuff peanut M&Ms in for mid-aid station motivation. “If you get to THAT hill, I’ll give you FIVE M&Ms,” and such is what I’d tell myself. I ate a lot of fucking M&Ms. My mental space was consumed on getting to the runner in front of me and to the next aid station. There were 11 aid stations, and I ticked them off one by one. Once I made it to the aid station after the halfway mark, I knew the 17 miles or so left were in the bag. At this point, I also played the game of "how many things can I be grateful for," and I came up with more than 90 things, including the fact that I could physically even attempt this course.

I came in right as the sun was setting, and it was stunning. Many runners were still out on the course and would be using headlamps until the close of the course at 11 pm. I made “no headlamp” part of my motivating mantra as well.

I can’t say I’d recommend such a grueling experience to anyone, but an ultra is a good test of grit, endurance, and determination. One of the older runners said, “You’ll get used to them! And then you’ll get ready for a 100 one.” I didn’t have the heart or breath to tell him this was a ONE TIME experience.

Latest uncomfortable experience: OM Meditation, also known as Orgasmic Meditation.

OM is a “consciousness practice that fosters the much-needed elements of connection and empathy.” I call it, “If women designed sex, then this would pretty much be it.” The most uncomfortable part is watching a women have an orgasm (or technically, be an Orgasmic State) for 15 minutes live amid 40 complete strangers with people calling out what sensations they are feeling. More on that in the below.


I went into the one day intro class expecting to be bombarded with some “woo woo” lectures about the journey of orgasmic flows or whatever and gong banging about the glory of all things vagina, but the course was surprisingly pragmatic and down to earth. Two longtime practitioners facilitate the whole day of the intro course. The duo that hosted my training were a New York native Jew and a San Fran based marketing professional. The class was filled with all ages, all races, and all relationship statuses. We did a round of names and reasons for attending. Some women wanted to “reclaim” their orgasms. A few guys said they wanted to know what the heck was going on “down there.” Many people wanted connection with their partners or even just another soul. I said I was there for learning and that I put myself in these niche groups to see what unfolds. The instructors conveyed that OM could be another tool in your tool belt, “along with your chains, or threesomes, and whatever” or have a more spiritual reason centered around attention and connection. Considering we were in San Francisco and that all attendees had signed up for this course, people were quite open. The teachers said OM was ideal for sensitive people coping with living in an insensitive world. That didn’t really fit me, but okay. I would agree we have a lot less real connection than probably before. The company that runs these courses, OneTaste, is so named after the Buddhist quote: “Just as the great ocean has one taste, the taste of salt, so also this teaching and discipline has one taste, the taste of liberation.”


The instructors spoke a lot about why they became OM coaches and why OM attracted them in the first place. We reviewed the chart about Orgasm 1.0 and their new framework for Orgasm 2.0. There are many parameters and steps to OM and for good reason: the whole notion of OM is that it is NOT a catalyst to sex; it is not a “tit for tat” exchange where anyone owes anything to the other; it is not about not hurting a partner’s ego; it is not about getting a date or getting laid; it is not meant to have a “finishing point,” and it is precisely timed so one (“strokee”, a woman, always) can be free for 15 minutes and not worry about when things are finished or when she has to perform anything. People asked what’s in in for men, the “strokers,” and the coaches explained the incredible connection one gets out of it is it. That’s it. You get connection. I’m listening to this as men are shaking their heads in nodding agreement. This is god damn brilliant, I thought. This expertly crafted marketing message heralding the ultimate feminist’s sex proclamation reads something like, “Here. These are the exact 18 steps to follow if I let you rub my clit. In exchange, I’ll let you feel what happens but only via the tip of your finger. Oh, and only if you wear gloves.” Things have come a long way sixty years since bra burning.


The live demo, done by one of the coaches leading the class, is confronting. The other coach insisted that everyone sit down as people have fainted before. Maybe you’ve watched a hot and steamy scene in the movie theater before, but the darkness of the theater and shortness of the scene cloaks a lot of uncomfortable vibes. This is for 15 minutes where you watch all 40 faces in broad daylight (OMing is always done in the light) with a live, full frontal view of spread labia. It’s odd to see a poised teacher with the coiffed bob become a moan machine. Some people were adamantly uncomfortable, glancing away or up at the ceiling. I did think of Frozen’s “Let it goooooo” classic lyric for a moment mostly because I was internally cheering the coach on. Staff from the back of room shouted out their live feelings, ranging from “I feel a tingling in my rib cage” to “I feel heat in my pussy.” After the chime that announced the OM session was over, we applauded (someone did ask if that was appropriate), and the class was asked to share their “frames,” moments in the entire session in which they felt something. Language is always neutral and descriptive in OMing.


Later in the day, we watched a live step-by-step clothes on demo to get the sequence of steps down from unfurling the “nest” where the OM takes place, to the placement of lube, to the request for pressure, to where hands are placed, etc. The “stoker” uses, for instance, just the index finger to stroke in about a 1.5 inch range. The practice is to be explicitly followed such that if someone in the OM community ever asks you for an OM, everyone knows the rules. I imagine one has to do it 30 or so times to just get the steps down, as all things needing practice. Many people practice OM daily or a few times a week, but no more than 5 times a day. If you want to learn more, there are tons of courses to take and a 7-month coaching program. (This is a business, after all. However, the coaches weren’t pushy.) And, after taking the course, anyone was free to OM.

I could write several more paragraphs, but I suppose this is why a book is in order. One last thing-I went on a long run after this class and Stereo MC’s “Connected” song randomly played. The lyrics seem oddly like OM’s anthem (if they had one). Here are a few:

I'm gonna get myself, I'm gonna get myself

I'm gonna get myself connected

I ain't gonna go blind for the light which is reflected

I see thru you, I see thru you

I see thru you, I see thru you . . . .

If you make sure you're connected

The writing's on the wall

But if your mind's neglected, stumble you might fall

Stumble you might fall, stumble you might fall



In January of 2015, I started a series of uncomfortable experiences to test a hypothesis: If doing and making bigger and bolder things happen are always achieved outside the comfort zone, then can you pro-actively practice being uncomfortable to get outside your comfort zone? What happens when you become more comfortable with being uncomfortable?

More on this hypothesis and insights about what is to be gained with this practice by going to Creative Mornings San Diego and seeing one of my talks.

Some of these experiences may seem uncomfortable, gross, offensive, or outlandish from your perspective, and that's okay. These aren’t for everyone. In each of these brief experiences, I aim to illuminate, respect, and learn from the lives of others who give their blessings to share their stories.